opening ceremony 2014 in Theaterhaus Frankfurt, photo: pollypictures
Programmers of „Starke Stücke“ during the opening ceremony 2019 at Stadthalle Eschborn, photo: Katrin Schander
Team of "Starke Stücke" during the opening ceremony 2015 in Theater Rüsselsheim, photo: Amelie Vogel
Organizer of „Starke Stücke“ during the opening ceremony 2014 in Theaterhaus Frankfurt, photo: pollypictures
Team of "Starke Stücke" during the opening ceremony 2013 in Theater Moller Haus Darmstadt, photo: Fiona Louis

About us

Once a year, the Starke Stücke Festival shows outstanding international theater productions for young audiences in the Rhine-Main region. It reaches about 10.000 children and young people. About 100 performances for all age groups take place at around 30 locations. A fringe programme of discussions and events offers opportunities for encounters and exchange between artists and audiences, colleagues and the general public. The workshop and mediation programme, "Children explore theater”, is essential to the festival. It offers more than 100 workshops for school classes and groups of children and partners with schools in the region. The workshops investigate different dimensions of the performances (movement, aesthetics, themes) and provide access to the performing arts actively and playfully.

The festival is hosted and financed by a network of municipal and private organizers who support and encourage quality children’s and youth theater and cultural education in the region under the umbrella of KulturRegion FrankfurtRheinMain.

The team of "Starke Stücke"

Ute Bansemir theaterperipherie, Frankfurt a. M. Maria Ochs Bürgerhäuser DreieichHeike Bonzelius Gallus Theater, Frankfurt a. M. Andrea Breu Jugend- und Sozialamt Frankfurt a. M. Alexa Busse, Christine Hahner Theater Altes Hallenbad und Kulturamt der Stadt FriedbergJohanna Ceglarz, Lisa Hagedorn Fachdienst Kultur, Sport, Partnerschaften und Archiv der Stadt MaintalKatrin Fischer-Dyck jugend-kultur-kirche sankt peter, Frankfurt a. M. Marcus Dross Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt a. M. Milena Wolf Kultur 123 Stadt Rüsselsheim Susanne Freiling Theaterhaus FrankfurtAnastassia Tanopoulou KulturForum Hattersheim e.V. Ulrike Happel Jugendamt Offenbach a. M.Meike Heinigk, Carolin Seeger Centralstation, Darmstadt Susanna Kauffels Kulturreferat Kronberg i. Ts. Johanna Kiesel Kulturamt EschbornAnke Kracke Kulturkreis Schwalbach a. Ts.Christian Kunesch Kulturamt der Stadt Flörsheim a. M.Anja Vollrath-Kühne Jugendkulturtreff E-Werk Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe Rose-Maria Leckel Kulturgemeinde Kelkheim e.V.Björn Lehn, Thomas Best Theater Moller Haus Darmstadt Jeanette Link Stadt ObertshausenAnna-Fee Neugebauer Amt für Kultur- und Sportmanagement Offenbach a. M.Gesine Otto Theater Alte Mühle, Bad VilbelVanessa Prinz Kulturamt AschaffenburgSandra Rieke Kulturamt FriedrichsdorfBritta Schley Kulturamt Hofheim a. Ts. Lina Zehelein Staatstheater Darmstadt

Festival directors
Nadja Blickle and Meike Fechner KulturRegion FrankfurtRheinMain – Susanne Freiling Starke Stücke GbR – Detlef Köhler Starke Stücke GbR

Festival office
Nadja Blickle Meike Fechner Sara Gröning Leon Post

Workshop leaders / mediators
For information about our Workshop team please click here.