Eröffnung 2023, Foto: Alexander Paul Englert
Next Generation Workspace Finale 2019, photo: Katrin Schander
Das Theater kommt! 2023, Foto: Katrin Schander
Deutsch-Französischer-Abend 2023, Foto: Katrin Schander
Generation Now 2023, Foto: Alexander Paul Englert
Karfunkel-Preisverleihung 2019, photo: Bato Prosic
Eröffnung 2023, Foto: Alexander Paul Englert
Norwegischer Abend 2019, photo: Alexander Englert
Generation Now 2023, Foto: Alexander Paul Englert
Generation Now 2023, Foto: Alexander Paul Englert
Karfunkel-Preisverleihung 2019, photo: Bato Prosic
"Starke Stücke"-Team beim Festivallunch, photo: Verena Gerlach
Eröffnungs- und Jubiläumsfeier 2019, photo: Katrin Schander
Eröffnungs- und Jubiläumsfeier 2019, photo: Katrin Schander
Karfunkel 2019, photo: Bato Prosic
Norwegischer Abend 2019, photo: Alexander Englert
Karfunkel-Preisverleihung 2019, photo: Bato Prosic
Eröffnungs- und Jubiläumsfeier 2019, photo: Katrin Schander
Starke Worte 2019, photo: Katrin Schander
Norwegischer Abend 2019, photo: Alexander Englert
Foto: Lise Skjæraasen
Französischer Abend 2019, photo: Nadja Blickle
Karfunkel-Preisverleihung 2019, photo: Bato Prosic
Französischer Abend 2019, photo: Nadja Blickle
Norwegischer Abend 2019, photo: Alexander Englert
Norwegischer Abend 2019, photo: Alexander Englert
Foto: Lise Skjæraasen

Fringe Programme

Here you find the fringe programme.




Opening & Franco-German aperitif

Bürgerhaus Sprendlingen, Dreieich

afterwards at 4 p.m.:
"Huitiéme Jour" by La Mob à Sisyphe, Toulouse (FR)



15:00h - 22:00h

Festival café

Theaterhaus, Frankfurt

The festival café is open to everyone. If you have time, come by! Meet artists, organisers and the festival team as well as interested audience members over coffee and snacks, music and conversation. Transfers to other venues start here.



15:00h - 22:00h

Festival café

Theaterhaus, Frankfurt

The festival café is open to everyone. If you have time, come by! Meet artists, organisers and the festival team as well as interested audience members over coffee and snacks, music and conversation. Transfers to other venues start here.




Professional Programme

We invite theatre makers, colleagues, mediators, festival programmers and presentes to join the "Starke Stücke"-professional programme. From 23 to 25 February 2024 there will be plays, discussions, parties and discoveries in the Rhine-Main-Region.

15:00h - 18:30h

Discursive space „Awareness“

stadtRAUM Frankfurt

“Starke Stücke” has drawn up its own “awareness concept” and is now putting it into practice.

15:00h - 18:00h

Festival café

Theaterhaus, Frankfurt

The festival café is open to everyone. If you have time, come by! Meet artists, organisers and the festival team as well as interested audience members over coffee and snacks, music and conversation. Transfers to other venues start here.



10:00h - 19:00h

Festival café

Theaterhaus, Frankfurt

The festival café is open to everyone. If you have time, come by! Meet artists, organisers and the festival team as well as interested audience members over coffee and snacks, music and conversation. Transfers to other venues start here.


Jubilee celebration 30 years of „Starke Stücke“

Gallus Theater, Frankfurt a. M.

Let's celebrate! To the next 30 years of "Starke Stücke"!



10:00h - 19:00h

Festival café

Theaterhaus, Frankfurt

The festival café is open to everyone. If you have time, come by! Meet artists, organisers and the festival team as well as interested audience members over coffee and snacks, music and conversation. Transfers to other venues start here.


Festival meeting after 'Superslow'

Centralstation, Darmstadt

after the presentation at 11.30 o'clock of:
"Superslow" Bonte Hond, Almere (NL)



15:00h - 18:00h

Festival café

Theaterhaus, Frankfurt

The festival café is open to everyone. If you have time, come by! Meet artists, organisers and the festival team as well as interested audience members over coffee and snacks, music and conversation. Transfers to other venues start here.

11 am La Rasa Tabu Theatre House Ensemble, Frankfurt am Main (DE) (7+)
3 - 6 p.m. Café open



15:00h - 18:00h

Festival café

Theaterhaus, Frankfurt

The festival café is open to everyone. If you have time, come by! Meet artists, organisers and the festival team as well as interested audience members over coffee and snacks, music and conversation. Transfers to other venues start here.

3 - 6 p.m. Café open + Glashouse Miniatures (for everyone aged 3+)


Award ceremony of the Frankfurt Children's and Youth Theatre Prize „Karfunkel“

Kaisersaal des Frankfurter Römer (nur geladene Gäste)

The city of Frankfurt honours outstanding achievements in performing arts for young audiences with the "Karfunkel" award. With the "Karfunkel" 2024, the theatre La Senty Menti "All That Matters" and Gordon Vajen (Theaterhaus Frankfurt) will be honoured with a special prize for his life's work.

Further information can be found here. The invitation to the award ceremony is issued by the City of Frankfurt. If you are interested in joining the event, please contact the festival office. Congratulations to the Awardees.



15:00h - 18:00h

Festival café

Theaterhaus, Frankfurt

The festival café is open to everyone. If you have time, come by! Meet artists, organisers and the festival team as well as interested audience members over coffee and snacks, music and conversation. Transfers to other venues start here.


Festival meeting after 'À Poils'

Centralstation, Darmstadt

A performance dedicated to technicians and all the things they make possible. Right after the performance at 6 pm:

"À Poils" by La Companie s’appelle reviens, Strasbourg (FR)



12:00h - 18:00h

Festival café

Theaterhaus, Frankfurt

The festival café is open to everyone. If you have time, come by! Meet artists, organisers and the festival team as well as interested audience members over coffee and snacks, music and conversation. Transfers to other venues start here.

11 am + 2.30 pm Valeska - and her steps, JokkMokk, Frankfurt am Main (DE) (8+)
12 - 6 pm Café open + Glashouse Miniatures (for everyone aged 3+)



12:00h - 18:00h

Festival café

Theaterhaus, Frankfurt

The festival café is open to everyone. If you have time, come by! Meet artists, organisers and the festival team as well as interested audience members over coffee and snacks, music and conversation. Transfers to other venues start here.

11 a.m. Valeska - and her steps, JokkMokk, Frankfurt am Main (DE) (8+)
12 to 6 p.m. Café open + Glashouse Miniatures (for everyone aged 3+)
2 pm Talk with Ceren Oran (Flying Words): Of Classrooms and Flying Bodies


Of classrooms and flying bodies

Theaterhaus, Frankfurt

Impulse and talk with Ceren Oran & Moving Borders




Talk: Theatre for healing

Zoo Gesellschaftshaus, Frankfurt a. M.

An informal discussion about the relevance of theatre for mental health with the Teatro Telaio from Brescia (Italy) and an impulse by Sandra Anklam - systemic theatre pedagogue, lecturer at the Remscheid Academy.




Family Sunday in the theatre workshop

Zoo Gesellschaftshaus, Frankfurt a. M.

The old Fritz-Rémond-Theatre is empty. Completely empty? No, because from autumn on, the "Junge Theaterwerkstatt am Zoo" will be set up here, showcasing the full diversity of children's and youth theatre. And the team is already inviting people of all ages - for a taste of what's to come.